Paradise Lost

Content warning: vulgar. . . . I fucked Cheryl Ladd in my childhood bed. Fourteen, the Angels sucked me in, long legs, tight jeans, bare arms, producers and advertisers scheming to replace a prettyish woman with a prettier girl, teenage boys left defenseless. The heaven of contact, engulfed, enveloped, though her grip slowly loosening, releasing,…

Health Care for Us

Some of you are nodding your heads. Some are rolling your eyes. Others take secret pleasure in the knowledge that our seven-year experiment with a nontraditional lifestyle failed so miserably. There are no shortcuts. No secret recipes. We’re all in the same boat. Playing the same game. Following the same rules. Sonya gave up her career…

Sonic Youth

  When I listen to Sonic Youth I think of fire. An uncontained house fire building intensity until it explodes into mayhem. A charcoal grill bathed in lighter-fluid, a flash, raging, and when the fuel is spent sinking into glowing embers. A campfire in the rain, smoldering on the edge of combustion creating ash but never…

Bleeding Red Ink

Last week was hell. We’re going out of business, my company, day by day. Falling behind, racking up debt, scraping the dregs of our vacant bank account, failing. I’ve watched this for months—since they hired me to fix the finances, to make it rain money. I fixed a nonprofit once before. That’s what everyone says.…